Build & Implement
The Build/Implement process on any idea can also benefit greatly from collaborative processes.
Far less dramatic than many of the workshops we hold to support any of the other five phases, engaging the CTLabs team through “Build” portion of this phase is as much about changing your organizational approach to work as anything else. With a CTLabs team member onsite or available to your core team much of the time, we begin a skills transfer process that turns every action point in the Build process into a collaborative endeavour.
Collaborative builds dramatically reduce the effects of the inevitable systemic shocks that hit any project, any endeavour. Additionally, we design processes around activities and decision points to ensure that you harness the wisdom of everyone continuously through the build process – ensuring that the change you are bringing about continues to be done WITH your system, and not TO your system.
Implementation is a tricky point…you have built it – will they come? And when they show up, what WILL they do?
It’s always best to bring the CTLabs team at the beginning, but let’s say you’ve done the entire process up to this point, and you’re just about to go live…but there’s those darned users standing in the way of successful implementation. How much money have you just wasted if they don’t buy in, meaningfully?
If you have done this much of the work without collaborative user engagement, there may be a price to pay to get stakeholder buy-in at this point – but really, the other option is? A lot less comfortable, I’m sure.
Carrots can get expensive, and you get tired holding up the stick after a while. How about just engaging them – really listening to them, and figuring out how to take your idea and make it THEIR idea?
Clients who’ve used CTLabs for implementation wouldn’t think of doing it any other way. So whatever you’re looking to drop into a user environment – hardware, software, processes, new roles or any other changes to the way they’ve grown comfortable (or acceptably uncomfortable) working…before you do it, give us a call. If you’ve missed the mark at all, and they have the choice to avoid your change, they will.
Case Studies (under development):
- Provincial Shared Services Implementation