Virtual services

Our team is dedicated to developing and running virtual sessions that are compelling, engaging and useful. We’ve constantly found ways to use technology to enable clients, and our many engagements are a continuous source of fresh ideas and strategies. 

We offer fully bilingual, virtual facilitation services using all of the major platforms (Zoom, MS Teams, Webex and others) to meet our clients’ needs. 

Our team uses Mural as a go-to whiteboard app, designing templates to facilitate workshops, structure conversations and capture content for new and seasoned online users. 

Virtual work we have done

 We have run events with up to 500 participants, making full use of breakout room technology to allow sub-groups to break apart to dive deeper into topic areas, and then return to plenary to share lessons learned and possible recommendations. 

The team has delivered strategic planning sessions and facilitated Board meetings online, and makes extensive use of online tools to host and support the many Innovation Labs we are delivering, with participants across the country.

 Benefits we have found from working online:

  • Participants who could not have taken part in in-person workshops due to any variety of logistical constraints (small children, distance, cost, time away from the office) can instantly participate at the click of a mouse.
  • Everyone can add content at any point.
  • Users have the choice and ability to comment in writing if they wish, so that those who are less comfortable speaking up in a group have the same ability to share comments/recommendations/ideas that will move the group forward.
  • Online workshops can seldom run effectively for more than 2.5 hours, and often, less is better.